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European Unitarian Universalists (EUU) is a religious community and network connecting Unitarian Universalists (UUs) and EUU fellowships in Europe. Approximately half of the more than 200 EUU members belong to local lay-led fellowships that share resources and programs (including Religious Education). The remaining members, known as “at large” members, are spread over most of the countries of Europe but are not affiliated with a particular fellowship.


EUU gathers twice a year, in the spring and fall, for weekend retreats. Recent retreats in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Germany have each attracted up to 150 Universalists and Unitarians from across Europe. EUU is a founding member of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU); it is an affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) and The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (Great Britain).


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